Welcome to the Indonesian Al-Qur'an Sign Language Dataset, the first digital platform dedicated to enriching the learning experience of the Al-Qur'an for the deaf community in Indonesia. Utilizing the official guide from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, we present the verses of the Al-Qur'an in sign language that is accurate and easy to understand. Join us in the journey to deepen the understanding of the holy book using sign language.

About Study Guides

Guidelines for Reading the Al-Qur'an in Sign Language from the Ministry of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia, we are committed to ensuring that every piece of learning material we present is accurate and meets the established standards. This dedication stems from our understanding of the critical importance of providing the deaf community with access to religious texts in a manner that is both respectful and precise. The guidelines serve as a foundational framework for all our content, ensuring that each verse of the Al-Qur'an translated into sign language maintains the integrity and sanctity of the original Arabic text.
The guide is readily available for download directly through our website, offering you access to an authentic and trustworthy learning resource. This accessibility ensures that educators, students, and anyone interested in learning or teaching the Al-Qur'an in sign language can easily obtain the necessary tools and information. By providing these resources, we aim to foster a supportive environment that encourages the exploration and understanding of the holy book, making it more inclusive for all. Our mission is to bridge the gap between the deaf community and the spiritual guidance offered by the Al-Qur'an, enriching the spiritual lives of individuals with hearing impairments by making religious learning a more inclusive and comprehensive experience.

Al-Qur'an in Sign Language: Example Video

To enhance your learning experience, we are pleased to present an example video of the Al-Qur'an being interpreted in sign language. This video serves as a practical demonstration of how the sacred verses can be communicated through sign language, ensuring accessibility and understanding for the deaf community. Watch closely as we bring the words of the Al-Qur'an to life, providing a meaningful connection to its teachings for all viewers, regardless of hearing ability
Bismillāhir-raḥmānir-raḥīm Al-ḥamdu lillāhi rabbil-‘ālamīn Ar-raḥmānir-raḥīm


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